Initiative has Women Praying for Women at Candle Lighting

Shifra and Puah of Crown Heights is introducing a new initiative, Women for Women, in which women daven for other women who are still waiting to have children.

For ten years, Shifra and Puah of Crown Heights has been supporting new mothers and their families with postpartum care such as meals, cleaning help, and financial assistance. This demonstrates a concern for the needs of a new mother, the well-being of their families, and the community value of Jewish children.

In the Parsha of Shemos we learn of the brave Jewish midwives, Shifra and Puah, who supported and cared for Jewish women during the slavery in Mitzrayim. They defied Pharaoh’s decree to kill baby boys, even at the risk of their own lives.

In honor of this Parsha, Shifra and Puah of Crown Heights is introducing a new initiative, Women for Women, in which women daven for other women who are still waiting to have children. Children are a bracha, bringing light to their families, communities and Klal Yisroel at large, and we daven that every couple should experience this blessing.

On Erev Shabbos each woman is going to get a list of names of couples to daven for. In addition, those names are going to be sent to the Alter Rebbe’s Tzion on his yahrzeit on Chod Daled Teves.

Additionally, a group of women from Crown Heights will daven on their behalf at the Rebbe’s Ohel, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka and Rebbetzin Chana. 

Please join us by sending names of couples and by sending a request for names until Thursday at 3:00 PM

To send names

To receive names to daven for

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