IDF Withdraws From Jenin, Confiscates 1000 Weapons

The IDF has completed its military operation in Jenin having confiscated over a thousand weapons and eliminated a dozen terrorists. Sergeant David Yehuda Yitzhak was killed during the operation.

All IDF troops have left Jenin as the Israeli military operation in the city has completed, its goals having been achieved, IDF spokesperson said Wednesday morning.

This follows days of fighting in the northern West Bank city, where the IDF sought to neutralize terrorist infrastructure. 

The Gaza-based Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, launched five rockets into southern Israel early Wednesday morning. The IDF responded to this by striking several Hamas targets throughout the Gaza Strip. 

IDF, Israel Security Agency, and Israel Border Police forces have confiscated over a thousand weapons in Jenin, among them explosive devices, ammunition, guns and explosives facilities.

Over 300 suspects were questioned by security forces; among them, 30 were apprehended.

Sergeant First Class David Yehuda Yitzhak, who was killed on Tuesday during the Israeli counterterrorism operation in Jenin, was laid to rest on Wednesday at the Mount Herzl military Cemetery in Jerusalem.

Thousands attended the ceremony, among them IDF representatives, his friends from his unit, family, and friends.

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