Hundreds Utilize Expanded Ohel Bus Service for Hei Teves

Bochurim and Anash traveled to the Rebbe’s Ohel on the auspicious day of Hei Teves, utilizing the expanded and subsidized bus service offered by a group of yungeleit.

Bochurim and Anash traveled to the Rebbe’s Ohel on the auspicious day of Hei Teves, utilizing the expanded and subsidized bus service offered by a group of yungeleit.

The visits were made in line with the Rebbe’s words that Hei Teves is a yom segulah and eis ratzon, an auspicious time to have all tefillos answered.

The buses were coordinated by, which provides subsidized buses weekly from Crown Heights to the Ohel. The service provides buses to the Ohel three days a week, at times that are convenient for working men and families with children.


Regular weekly schedule:

Leaving from Kingston: 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM
Leaving from the Ohel: 6:45 PM and 9:45 PM

Leaving from Kingston: 7:00 PM and 9:45 PM
Leaving from the Ohel: 8:45 PM and 11:30 PM

Thursday Morning:
Leaving from Kingston: 5:30 AM
Leaving from the Ohel: 7:45 AM

For men, women, and children.

$5 round trip.

This project has been generously subsidized by the Katz family.


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