Hundreds of Vehicles Bring Chanuka Light to NYC

Photos: Shalom Ross/

50 mitzvah tanks and hundreds of vehicles adorned with Chanuka menorahs, took over the streets of Brooklyn and Manhattan on Motzei Shabbos to spread the message of Chanuka, and distribute thousands of menorahs.

By reporter
Photos: Shalom Ross/

Over 250 cars topped with car menorahs, joined nearly 50 mitzvah tanks for the world’s largest Menorah Parade, driving through the streets of New York City.

The annual parade, organized by the Mitzvah Tank Organization, takes the mission of pirsumei nissa, publicizing the miracle of Chanukah, to new levels each year. With tens of thousands viewing the parade as it passed through Brooklyn and Manhattan, it serves as a catalyst for countless Yidden to light the menorah in their homes.

The parade started off in Crown Heights one hour after Shabbos, passing by 770 and continuing on to Manhattan where they passed by the large Menorah on 5th Ave before spreading out to give out menorahs or heading back to Crown Heights.

The parade was organized by the Mitzvah Tank Organization and under the auspices of Lubavitch Youth Organization.


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