Hundreds of Chassidim Farewell Rabbi Meir Harlig

A large crowd gathered at 770 Eastern Parkway on Monday for the levaya of Rabbi Meir Harlig, who merited to serve as the Rebbe’s mashbak and a gabbai in 770.

A large crowd gathered at 770 Eastern Parkway on Monday for the levaya of Rabbi Meir Harlig, who merited to serve as the Rebbe’s mashbak and a gabbai in 770.

To anyone visiting 770 for close to forty years, Reb Meir was a constant part of the scene. Every farbrengen, every davening, every krias haTorah, Reb Meir was loath to miss an opportunity to be in the Rebbe’s presence. When his children were still young, he would bring them along as well to take part in the Rebbe’s minyan and farbrengen.

Starting from 5722, Reb Meir was assigned to receive the Rebbe’s daled minim after the Rebbe had bentched on them and hold them as the chassidim would line up to use them. Each year, he would go to the Rebbe’s sukkah each day of Sukkos, take the daled minim that the Rebbe had just used and stand for hours, giving each chossid the chance to say the bracha on them.

For a number of years, Reb Meir was responsible for inviting the distinguished guests who would join the Yomtov meals in the Frierdiker Rebbe’s apartment.

One of the most common roles that Reb Meir filled was the organizer and master of ceremonies at many farbrengens that Chassidim held in 770. For decades, he would host the farbrengen and seudas hoda’a on Rosh Chodesh Kislev in 770, celebrating the Rebbe’s recovery and return home on Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5738. Reb Meir organized this farbrengen since the very first anniversary, in 5739.

In recent years he served as Gabbai responsible for the tefillos and aliyos in the Rebbe’s room.

He is survived by his wife Mrs. Tzipporah Harlig, and children Rabbi Sholom Harlig – Rancho Cucamonga, CA; Rabbi Shea Harlig – Las Vegas, NV; Rabbi Yossi Harlig – Kendell, FL; Mrs. Chaya Sarah Dalfin – Miami, FL: Rabbi Mendy Harlig – Henderson, NV, Mrs. Toby Baron – Sunny Isles, FL, and Mrs. Binie Holtzberg – Monterrey, CA.

The levaya will take place on Monday, passing 770 at 2:00 PM and continuing on to Old Montefiore Cemetery.

Location: 442 Crown Street

Visitors: Shachris-12:00PM; 4:00PM-Ma’ariv


Shachris-8:30AM (1 Minyan needed)

Shachris-7:30AM, 8:00AM, 8:30AM, 9:00AM
Mincha-8:00PM (4 Minyanim needed)

Shachris-7:30AM, 8:00AM, 8:30AM, 9:00AM
Mincha-8:00PM (4 Minyanim needed)

Shachris-7:30AM, 8:00AM, 8:30AM, 9:00AM
Mincha-1:45PM (2 Minyanim), 2:15PM (2 Minyanim)

Motzei Shabbos:
Ma’ariv-B’Zman (4 Minyanim)

Shachris-7:30AM (2 Minyanim), 8:30AM (2 Minyanim)

Baruch Dayan Haemes.


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