Hundreds Prepare to Embark on Merkos Shlichus for Pesach

As Pesach approaches, preparations are underway for the famed Merkos Shlichus program, with nearly 800 Bochurim to be dispatched to lead Sedarim around the world.

As Pesach approaches, preparations are underway for the famed Merkos Shlichus program, with nearly 800 Bochurim to be dispatched to lead Sedarim around the world. Founded by The Rebbe in 1943, Merkos Shlichus remains one of Chabad’s most iconic programs and a staple in the educational experience of Lubavitcher Bochurim to this day.

Before embarking on their various journeys, applicants from local Yeshivas filled the halls of the Jewish Children’s Museum to take a written test on the required knowledge. This includes Halachic questions about Kashering kitchens and Pesach Seder procedures, as well as practical considerations like cooking for the seder and how to engage attendees. Being fully proficient in this information is vital to leading a successful Seder. 

This Pesach, Chabad Houses worldwide are seeing an influx of participants. With many Jews expressing more interest in their heritage since October 7th, the Merkos Shlichus initiative is upping the ante to address the need. “The Rebbe sent his Shluchim to support and uplift the Jewish people after years of being sought out in hatred,” said Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice-Chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch and appointed by the Rebbe to oversee and expand the Merkos Shlichus program, “Today we must continue to do the same; the Yeshiva students will travel the globe to welcome all with open arms and help them celebrate the festival of freedom”

In addition to assisting Shluchim all over the USA, Bochurim will be sent to international and even remote destinations such as Brazil, Nigeria, Thailand, and Spain. They will play a pivotal role in ensuring that every Jewish person has a complete Pesach experience, both physically and spiritually.

“This is my fourth time joining the Merkos Shlichus initiative for Pesach, meeting Jews from all walks of life, to celebrate together,” said Shalom Friedman, originally from Birmingham, Alabama. He’s preparing to lead a Seder in Krakow, Poland together with Sholom Baitelman of Studio City, California. “Having grown up on Shlichus and aiming to be a full-time Shliach one day, the chance to interact with and guide people on one of the most impactful days of the Jewish calendar is an uplifting experience each year.”

The logistics of coordinating hundreds of Bochurim to match each community and destination’s unique needs are an undertaking of enormous proportions. The Merkos Shlichus staff are working around the clock to arrange the logistics of this massive endeavor. Booking flights and event halls, arranging kosher food in remote locations, the coordination, overseen by Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky and Rabbi Shneur Nejar of the Merkos Shlichus office, is endless. Over the years, thousands of Bochurim have been sent out by Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch to hundreds of places around the globe.

Visit to partner with Merkos in bringing an authentic Pesach experience to every Jew around the world. 

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