How They Learned Kidush Hachodesh Before Technology

As Rambam learners study Hilchos Kidush Hachodesh in the Rambam, we share with you a video from Tishrei 5748 of a shiur by R’ Yosef Losh using simple diagrams and globes.

As Rambam learners study Hilchos Kidush Hachodesh in the Rambam, we share with you a video from Tishrei 5748 of a shiur by R’ Yosef Losh using simple diagrams and globes. This was before all the technologically advanced shiurim for Kidush Hachodesh that are available today.

The video, taken by R’ Sholom Ber Goldstein on 18 Tishrei 5748, shows Rabbi Losh discussing the Rambam’s astronomy. The shiur begins in English, but after a few minutes, it changes to Hebrew. The video was released by JEM.

Click here to watch the video.

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