How Reb Yoel Explained Tisha B’av in Sefer HoErchim

Hidden within Sefer HoErchim, widely viewed as the magnum opus of Reb Yoel Kahn, one can find a few paragraphs explaining Tisha B’av in the light of Chassidus.

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Hidden within Sefer HoErchim, widely viewed as the magnum opus of Reb Yoel Kahn, one can find a few paragraphs explaining Tisha B’av in the light of Chassidus.

The eight published volumes of Sefer HoErchim only cover entries through אחדות השם, approximately a third of all entries just for the letter Alef. However, with the innumerable sub-categories and entries, thousands of topics spanning the entire Chassidus are covered, if only one knows where to look.

One such example is Tisha B’av. One would expect to find the discussion in a volume covering topics with the letter Tof. But if one glances at the entry of אב – the month of Av, one finds over half a page discussing the date of Tisha B’av. A footnote notes that the entry only discusses concepts connected with the actual date on the calendar, and not the destruction of the Batei Mikdash that took place on the day.

See the full entry below:


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