How is Moshiach Connected to Laundry and Personal Hygiene?

A new booklet, authored by Rabbi Lazer Gurkow and Rabbi Aharon Loschak, helps readers experience Moshiach moments throughout the day.

Getting in the mood for Moshiach is now easier than ever.

A new booklet, authored by Rabbi Lazer Gurkow and Rabbi Aharon Loschak, helps readers experience Moshiach moments throughout the day.

It’s called Living Moshiach in all You Do. In simple terms, Rabbis Gurkow and Loschak explain what it takes to adopt a Moshiach mentality. The key, according to the authors, is to adopt the Rebbe’s perspective and view everyday tasks such as getting dressed, going to the store, or preparing for Yom Tov in a way that reflects their spiritual core.

“Most of us divide our lives between the mundane and holy,” notes Rabbi Gurkow. “Since we are, for the most part, immersed in the world, we allow its reality shape ours. However, the Rebbe taught us that we can rise above it. I hope this booklet will help people move toward a Moshiachdike mindset.”

For example, it’s well known that Modeh Ani was the Rebbe’s “favorite” prayer. Living Moshiach can help one use it as a springboard for the rest of the day. To paraphrase the initial section, “Our first waking moment expresses our oneness with Hashem. Thus, it is synonymous with Mashiach when the Yechidah, essence and oneness of our soul with G-d will be revealed. As you say Modeh Ani, reflect on this fact and the truth of the matter—that you are bringing the world one step closer to Geulah.”

Another example is simply visiting a park. Again, paraphrasing the booklet: “One of the primary aspects of Mashiach’s time will be peace and serenity. The next time you find yourself in that setting, imagine that one’s life will be like this once Mashiach comes.”

Living Moshiach in all You Do was produced by the Minatzchim, a group of Anash who are working to bring the Geulah b’poel mamash. A thousand copies were distributed at the Kinus of Shluchos. The Minatzchim are making the booklets available to schools, Chabad Houses, and other organizations for a minimal fee and the cost of shipping. The booklet can also be reprinted with a dedication by those wishing to share it as a memento for a wedding or other simchah. In addition, the group is preparing French and Spanish translations.

To review a copy, visit

To order copies, contact Rabbi Aaron Isaac Binyaminson at [email protected].


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