Hourly Buses to the Ohel on Chof Av

Subsidized buses will shuttle to and from the Rebbe’s Ohel every hour on Monday, in honor of the yahrzeit of the Rebbe’s father, giving Chassidim an opportunity to visit the Ohel on this special day.

Subsidized buses will shuttle to and from the Rebbe’s Ohel every hour on Monday, in honor of Chof Av the yahrzeit of the Rebbe’s father, Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson.

Buses will leave from the Draidel, each hour from 7:00 AM until 9:00P PM, giving Chassidim an opportunity to visit the Ohel on this special day.

At a subsidized price of $7 round-trip or one-way. For men, women and children, without registration.

For information about Friday and Motzei Shabbos trips and the year-round schedule, visit bustoohel.com, or email [email protected].

Sponsored in memory of Menachem Mendel ben Boruch.

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