Holocaust Education Week Will Feature Class on Rebbetzin’s Life

A special class on the life and times of the Rebbetzin will be featured on Chof Beis Shvat, as part of Holocaust Education and Remembrance week at the University of Kentucky.

A special class on the life and times of the Rebbetzin will be featured on Chof Beis Shvat, as part of Holocaust Education and Remembrance week at the University of Kentucky.

The program, taught by Shlucha Mrs. Shoshi Litvin, will talk about the impact of the Rebbetzin in pre-war Europe, both during the Nesios of the Rebbe Rashab and the Frierdiker Rebbe, and the impact of Chabad to rebuild Yiddishkeit after the war.

This coming week, from Monday, January 24th until the 28th, the Chabad at University of Kentucky Jewish Student Center in partnership with campus and community partners, will host a series of lectures and educational programs open to the entire community as part of Holocaust Education and Remembrance Week at University of Kentucky.

Programs will begin every night at 7 and will be hosted on zoom due to rising covid rates. All programs are free, and all are invited to participate.

“This program has grown to be one of central importance to the Jewish Community at University of Kentucky,” said Shoshi Litvin, Program Director at the Jewish Student Center. “This is an opportunity to learn, and to honor the memory of those we have lost”.

The Keynote event on January 27th, Holocaust remembrance day will feature Cantor Fishel Goldig, a holocaust survivor and Jewish leader, who will share his story, and perform songs written in the ghettos under Nazi oppression.

This year’s program is in loving memory of Fred Gross, a Kentucky survivor and leading educator who passed this year.

The program on the Rebbetzin begins Monday evening at 7 pm. 

Zoom information: 999 827 7668 Password: UKCJSC https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9998277668?pwd=QTliL0NTU0ZFQUR2c001OWVscGVYUT09

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