Historic Photos Show Gan Yisroel in the 50s and 60s

A batch of photos discovered in the archives of Rabbi Meir Harlig a”h, dated from the 1950s and 1960s, show scenes from Gan Yisroel in upstate New York. Can you identify any of the children? 

By Anash.org reporter

A batch of photos discovered in the archives of Rabbi Meir Harlig a”h, dated from the 1950s and 1960s, show scenes from Gan Yisroel in upstate New York.

The photos, which were shared by Rabbi Shea Harlig, show scenes of line-up, sports, gatherings and buildings in Gan Yisroel. Some seem to have been taken in Swan Lake, New York, which was where CGI was located for a summer before moving to its permanent location in Parksville, NY.

One photo shows a rally in the courtyard of 770, seemingly a rally of campers at the conclusion of the summer.

Know any details about the photos or the campers? Comment below.

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  1. Picture 1 summer 1963.
    Date stamped on side of picture.
    And banner says 150 years [to histalkus of the Alter Rebbe]

  2. CGI Swan Lake wasn’t “for a summer before Parksville”. Swan Lake was from the late 1950’s into the late 1960’s when they had to move due to the incoming Swan Lake airport. (Summer of 1960/5720 marking 200th year of Hilulo of Reb Yisroel Baal Shem Tov, for whom the camp was named, the Rebbe’s third visit to the camp on 15 Tammuz, 5720 – July 10, 1960. The Rebbe’s first visit was when it first opened in Ellenville).
    For one season before Parksville, they were temporarily in Livingston Manor, NY.

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