Live: Hilloula of the Baba Sali Celebrated in Crown Heights

Join Live or In Person: Merkaz Sefarad Chabad together with Reb Hirshel and Annette Lipsker and family invite the Crown Heights community to the Grand Hilloula of the Baba Sali which will take place this Motzoei Shabbos in ULY Crown Heights.

Merkaz Sefarad Chabad together with Reb Hirshel and Annette Lipsker and family are pleased to invite the Crown Heights community to the Grand Hilloula of the Baba Sali which will take place this Motzoei Shabbos, January 16th at 8:00 pm in the large ballroom of ULY located at 570 Crown Street (side entrance)

Men and women are welcome.

Guest speakers who will offer Divrei Torah, Chizuk and personal stories of the Baba Sali, to include Harav Yisroel Abergel Shlita from Netivot Israel, Rabbi Aharon Chein of Chabad Association for Georgian Jews (Queens, NY), Rabbi Michoel Seligson, Rabbi Gad Bouskila of Cong. Netivot Israel (Brooklyn, NY), and Rabbi Meir Shushan of the Lincoln Place Shul.

To join live via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 839 2267 4887

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