High School Girls Join International Chidon in Crown Heights

Sixty three Chabad high-school girls from across the world joined the High School Chidon Shabbaton in Crown Heights, the culmination of five months of study and tests.

Sixty-three high-schoolers, coming from over a dozen chabad schools around the world, visited Crown Heights last Shabbos. They all had one thing in common: they had just finished Batsheva Learning Center’s High School Chidon program. Over five months, they’d studied, mastered, and passed five tests on the entire Sefer Hamada of the Rambam.

A Shabbaton in Crown heights was an opportunity to celebrate their accomplishment, reflect on their experience and bond with other girls who share their passion for learning.

“It was amazing to be among so many girls who al love learning and persevered through the months to learn an entire Sefer,” said Chaya Raichik, a Chidon participant from LGHS Chicago.

“And the knowledge that I can, with the right tools, learn an entire Sefer is a real y exhilarating feeling.”
Over the course of the weekend, the girls enjoyed learning sessions, art workshops, a Rambam-themed scavenger hunt, inspiring mealtimes fil ed with singing and divrei torah, and tours of the Rebbe’s library and WLCC. Even more than the activities themselves, what the girls appreciated most was the empowering atmosphere and the warm camaraderie of the group.

As Esti Schachter, Chidon participant for Beth Rivka Melbourne, put it: “What I loved most about the Chidon Shabbaton was meeting so many Lubavitch girls who al did the Chidon together…It was beautiful to see so many of us singing niggunim, farbrenging and discussing what we learned over the past few months.”

“Chidon [had an]…environment of chassidishkeit, and [learning] lishmah,” said RIvka Rivkin, a participant from LGHS. “We weren’t trying to impress anyone; we were al just there to learn, grow, connect, celebrate, and get inspired.”

The weekend culminated in an event on Sunday night, hosted in the JCM. The Chidon finalists, who scored the top ten test averages, competed in a gameshow together. There was a first, second, and third place winner who won a set of the Pardes Hamelech Rambam, Yayn Malchus, and Rambam Hamevuar Sefer Hamada, respectively. In addition, all of the finalists and participants in Chidon received a personalized plaque rewarding their efforts.

The girls left the weekend inspired and empowered to use their newly honed and sharpened learning skils in the future. “Chidon gave me an appreciation and real love for learning,” said Chana Rodel Karpilovsky, a participant from Beis Chomesh Toronto. “After the chidon weekend, friends and I set up chavrusas to continue our learning journey together. Although Chidon may be over, chidon taught us that learning never stops!”

Mazal tov to the Chidon finalists and winners:

First Place Winner: Mili Rosenbluh (Lubavitch Girls High School Chicago)

Second Place Winner: Rivkie Brashevitzky (Beis Chana High School Miami)

Third Place Winner: Mussie Notik (Lubavitch Girls High School Chicago)

Chana Rodel Karpilovsky (Beis Chomesh Toronto)
Dina Korol (Beis Chomesh Toronto)
Necha Charytan (Beth Rivkah Academy Montreal)
Rochel Raizel Feldman (Cheder Chabad Sydney Australia)
Sarah Rochel Hertzel (Beis Chaya Mushka Crown Heights)
Shalva Miriam Rosenberg (Bnos Menachem Crown Heights)
Tzivia Weinbaum (Bais Rivkah Crown Heights)
Yehudis Korf (Beis Chana High School Miami)

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