Heroic Soldier Saved Because He Wore Tzitzis

After saving a soldier and killing multiple terrorists, Lieutenant Colonel Guy Madar was injured and lay in a ditch alongside dead terrorists. He was almost shot by fellow soldiers, but was spared due to his tzitzis.

By VIN News

Slowly but surely the stories of individual heroism in the face of unspeakable evil are beginning to emerge. The people who dropped everything and sped to save lives, knowing full well that their lives would soon be in grave danger, that they were alone against tens of ruthless armed terrorists. Using their wits and resourcefulness, many of these heroes prevented a far greater tragedy from occurring.

One of these heroes is Lieutenant Colonel Guy Madar. A career army officer, Guy lives further north and was celebrating Simchas Torah in Kiryat Gat, a 30-minute drive from Re’im. Hearing about the terrorist incursion, Guy got in his car and hurried south, carrying only his personal pistol.

Arriving in the Re’im region, Guy saw a badly wounded Golani soldier and took him into his car. At the same time, a Hamas terrorist shot at his car, but he maneuvered away and managed to shoot the terrorist dead. Taking the soldier’s gun, Guy killed another five terrorists on motorcycles.

Having transferred the soldier to a field hospital, Guy joined a policeman traveling southward and once again they were attacked by terrorists. Guy and the policeman were injured in their legs and the car careened off the road. Guy was left in a ditch but still managed from there to eliminate more terrorists, after placing a tourniquet on his injured leg. He lay in the ditch for two hours with tens of dead terrorists nearby until the arrival of IDF forces.

Approaching the scene, they mistakenly thought that he was one of the terrorists as he was wearing civilian clothes. Guy cried that he was a soldier, but weak from loss of blood, he could not make his voice heard. At the last minute, one of the soldiers said: ‘Don’t shoot, he had tzitzis!’ and Guy’s life was spared. He was taken to Beilinson Hospital where he was operated on and treated.

Guy’s amazing story is inspiring both in the courage he showed to travel alone into danger and in the way his life was saved in the end by his tzitzis.

To donate a pair of army tzitzis for just 16 dollars, click here.

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