Here’s What You Need to Know for Sunday’s Elections

This Sunday, Crown Heights residents will go to the polls. Shul delegates, united behind the election, share the Rebbe’s message about voting and answers to frequent questions.

This Sunday, Crown Heights residents will go to the polls. Shul delegates, united behind the election, share the Rebbe’s message about voting and answers to frequent questions. >

for a board of directors of CHJCC/Vaad Hakahol

DATE: Sunday, כ”ה אייר, June 2, 2024

TIME: 9am to 9pm

POLLSITE: Lubavitcher Yeshiva, 570 Crown St., Albany Avenue Entrance

Valid photo ID and proof of address required


Who are we electing? A board of directors to oversee the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council and Vaad Hakohol of Crown Heights.

What’s their job? To ensure the success of two organizations: 1) The CHJCC, which is responsible for improving the material lives of residents by bringing social services, advocacy and funding into the community; 2) The Vaad Hakahol, which is responsible for supporting the religious lives of residents by ensuring an active and effective Beis Din with a reliable kashrus infrastructure and the like.

Who are the candidates? Eight candidates are running (listed alphabetically by last name):  Zalman Friedman, Yankel Goldstein, Dovid Halon, Berel Hildeshaim, Yitzie Kamman, Meir New, Shmuel Rosenstein, Pinchos Woolstone.

How many will be elected? At least 5 and up to 7.

How do they win? To be elected, a candidate must receive at least 50% + 1 votes of all votes cast.

How do we ensure enough members are elected to be a real board? Voters must select a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 candidates. Ballots with less than five or more than 7 selections will be disqualified.

How long is their term? Three years.

Who may vote? Male Jewish residents of Greater Crown Heights—including East Flatbush, Remsen Village and Brownsville—who are married or previously married or at least 30 years old. Valid photo ID and proof of address will be required to vote.

When will results be announced? With Hashem’s help, the votes will be counted and the winners announced on the same night after polls close.


ובהתחשב עם גודל החשיבות שבדבר—ענין הנוגע לציבור כולו, כל תושבי השכונה—בודאי ישתתפו כולם (כל מי שיש לו זכות בחירה) בבחירות, ולא יעשו חשבונות שאין זה לפי כבודו, או שעסוק בענינים אחרים, עניני טוב וקדושה כו’, שכן חשבונות אלו אינם מצד הקדושה, אלא מהחלל השמאלי… שהרי מדובר כאן בענין הנוגע לטובת הציבור כולו. —משיחת ש”פ תבא תשמ”ו

Considering the magnitude of the matter, which concerns all residents of the neighborhood, everyone who is eligible will certainly participate in the elections, and will not make calculations that it’s below their dignity, or they’re preoccupied with other matters of goodness and holiness, etc.

A united effort of Crown Heights Shuls and our appointed delegates:

770 Congregation Lubavitch  (Gruenberg, Brochshtat)  94 Shul  (Kuperman) 96 Shul (Lazaroff) 99 Class Shull (534 Empire) (Rimler, Chanin) Agudas Israel (Karp)  Ahavas Achim- Empire Shtiebel (Simon) Aliya- Bais Laime (Feiglin) Anshei Lubavitch (Leshes)     Anshei Rubishov (Rugalsky)  Anshe Moshe (Negin, Pais) Bais Binyamin (Berkowitz)  Beis David Gershon (Felberman) Beis Gimpel Chaim (Breshevitzki) Beis Menachem Mendel (lefferts) (Reinitz) Beis Shmuel (Dubroff)   Bnei Solomon Zalman-Frankel shul (Caplan, Adelstein)  Chabad Sterling (Kahanov) Chovevei Torah- Murphy Shul (Leshes, Zulaf)  Chug Yaakov Yehuda (Hecht) Congregation Anash Chabad (935 EP) (Goldstein, Weiszner) Eliyahu Nachum- Adath Israel-Lefferts  Getzel Shul (Avrohom Eliyahu) (Plotkin, Spinner) Hadar Hatorah (Weisz) Ktav Sofer (Brownstein, Maness) Menachem’s Shul (Wilhelm) Mitzvah Center (Chayo)  Mishkan Menachem- JCM (Berghoff)  Nosson’s Shul (Wilhelm)   Ohel Nosson (Webb, Kaminetzky) The Besht Center (Freidman)   The Shul (Chein) Tzeirei anash (Langzam)  Unzer Shul (Simon) The Lincoln Place Shul (Shushan)  Rayim Ahuvim (Katzman, Fuss)   Torah Utefilah – Shain Cong Tiferes (Shain, Gansburg)

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  1. i think that there are some good candidates, but there are those that specifically strike me as impressive.

    after i heard the candidates present themself, i was impressed by an individual berel hildesheim.

    he really spoke to the point, and sounds like his main motivation is to do good for the shchuna.

    he sounds like he has his head on right, and would make for a good member.

    i also think an indvidual Meir new, is with the right intention, and would do good in being part of the vaad.

  2. How many will be elected? At least 5 and up to 7.

    How do they win? To be elected, a candidate must receive at least 50% + 1 votes of all votes cast.

    how can you get “50% + 1 votes” and have 5-7 people voted in?

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