Here’s What the Rebbe Had to Say About ‘Shpitz Chabad’

Every sicha, yechidus or letter where the Rebbe referenced the concept of ‘shpitz Chabad’ were compiled in a recently-printed teshura for a Bar Mitzvah. Download here.

What did the Rebbe say about ‘shpitz Chabad’?

A new publication compiles each time the Rebbe mentioned the concept, whether in a sicha, yechidus or letter.

The booklet was published as a teshura for the bar mitzvah of Avrohom Yaakov Matusof.

“We believe that this compilation will help illuminate and clarify what is expected of a chossid and a tomim today, and dismiss actions and ideas that are not according to the Rebbe’s wishes,” the publishers wrote.

Click here to download.

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