Here’s How You Can Bring Chof Av Into Your Home

The Raizel Wolvovsky Charitable Foundation shares some ideas to make Chof Av a meaningful experience for your kids at home. This initiative includes a raffle for those that send in pictures of their farbrengens at home.

Morah Raizel’s Reach

Tonight and tomorrow is a special day. Chof Av is the Rebbe’s father’s Yartzeit. “Reb Levik” was a towering Rov, beloved by his community, and known for his extraordinary Mesiras Nefesh for Yiddishkeit.

Here are some ways to bring the spirit of this special time into your home and make it exciting for your family:

Set up the table beautifully and make a special meal

Display a picture of Reb Levik

Sing Reb Levik’s Niggun (Hakofos)

Share a story and/or Dvar Torah from the Rebbe’s father

Give Tzedaka together

Say L’Chaim! Have grape juice and special cups ready

Watch a video of the Rebbe. Here’s a sample:

Please send pictures of your “Farbrengen at Home” to (860) 777-5374. Include your name and location. Send your entry in before Chof Hey Av and your family will be entered into a raffle for a $100 gift card to a Judaica store. (10 winners).

Brought to you by the Raizel Wolvovsky Charitable Foundation
לעילוי נשמת מרת אדל רייזל בת ר’ אברהם דוד ע”ה


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