Help Build A Mikvah in Wynnewood, PA

The community in Wynnewood PA, just outside the borders of Philadelphia has over 100 Shomer Shabbos families and growing. There is an urgent need to build a Mikvah as the closest city-wide Mikvah is not within walking distance.

The community in Wynnewood PA, just outside the borders of Philadelphia has over 100 Shomer Shabbos families and growing. There is an urgent need to build a Mikvah as the closest city-wide Mikvah is not walkable on Friday nights and Yomim Tovim. 

“We have a location and plans finalized,” says Mrs. Chana Hershkop. “Rabbi Yirmiyahu Katz of Borough Park has worked with us and designed the mikvah to fit our growing community, and Rabbi Elazar Raichik has already been contracted to work on the project.”

To Donate:

The campaign has already fundraised over $80,000 and can start construction once they raise $100,000.

We are reaching out to the greater Anash community to please help us get to our goals and fill this important need. We are running a week long campaign this week with plans to start construction as soon as possible. 

Any donation is greatly appreciated. Dedication opportunities are also available see:

All donations are tax deductible. 

Walkable Shuls:
Chabad of Penn wynne
Congregation Beth Hamedrosh

Local Anash Cheder:
Cheder Chabad of Philadelphia

Local Anash Pizzeria:
Shalom Pizza

Distance From Crown Heights:
2 hours

Local international Airport:
25 Minutes


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