Heartbreaking Levaya Held for 17-Year-Old Bochur

The Levaya of Baruch Sholom Dovber Fellig, the son of Reb Zalman and Mimi Fellig of Miami, Florida passed by 770 Eastern Parkway on Friday.

The Levaya of Baruch Sholom Dovber Fellig, the son of Reb Zalman and Mimi Fellig of Miami, Florida passed by 770 Eastern Parkway on Friday.

He is survived by his parents, Zalman and Mimi Fellig, and siblings, Chaim and Chayala Vogel, Mendy and Chaya Fellig, Getzy and Chana Rubashkin, Meir and Chayala Fellig, Dasa and Aron Masinter, Mendy and Itty Wolosow, Yossi and Rochi Fellig, Tani and Kiki Zeiler, Pinchas, and Shmuly.

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