Head Shliach Joins Young Shluchim On Live Tour of Tzfas

In honor of the Yartzeit of R’ Yisroel Aryeh Leib and Pesach Sheini, young Shluchim joined a virtual gathering where they enjoyed a live tour of the Tzfas, including the Kever of the Rebbe’s brother where they were joined by Head Shliach Rabbi Chaim Kaplan.

Marking the Yartzeit of the Rebbe’s brother and Pesach Sheni, the MyShliach Hebrew division hosted a farbrengen for young Shluchim in Europe and Asia. 

More than one hundred families tuned in to the virtual event held the evening between the two dates. 

Opening the farbrengen, Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Director of Merkos 302, explained the significance of the gathering. “Every special date on the Chasidishe calendar has something for each of us to grow and learn from,” Rabbi Kotlarsky told the children. “It is especially significant when Yaldei HaShluchim from around the world gather for a day that is personal to the Rebbe and speak about their Shlichus.” 

The children were treated to a live tour of the holy city of Tzfas. A local Chabad tour guide showed them many sites, culminating with the Kever of the Rebbe’s brother. 

“The live tour of Tzfas, especially visiting the Kever of Yisroel Aryeh Leib, really helped bring the day alive for the children,” said Rabbi Mendy Shif of the MyShliach Hebrew division. 

Head Shliach of Tzfas, Rabbi Chaim Kaplan, spoke to the children from the Kever in Tzfas. He shared interesting stories about the Rebbe’s brother before teaching Mishnayos corresponding to the name. Rabbi Kaplan also touched on Pesach Sheini and its powerful message. 

The children then watched a short Sicha from the Rebbe about Yisroel Aryeh Leib and lessons which can be learned from his life. 

Rabbi Chezky Malka, Shliach to Sweden, and Mashpia of MyShliach Hebrew was the main presenor at the Farbrengen. He delivered the theme of Pesach Sheini, “Nishta Kein Farfalen – It is never too late,” in a relatable and child-friendly way. He also explained how it applies in the context of the Rebbe’s Shlichus. 

Highlighting the evening, the young Shluchim enjoyed a Chidon with questions about the life of Yisroel Aryeh Leib. The children displayed their vast knowledge and competitive spirits in the game. 

Rabbi Mendy Shif closed the event with a story of the Rebbe, bringing out how the children can enjoy and savor their unique opportunity of growing up on Shlichus. 


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