He Went Straight from the Hospital to Teaching the Ma’amar

A series of clear and concise Shiurim by Rabbi Yonah Pruss a”h, presented in 20 minute segments, make it easy for you to learn a Ma’amar of the Rebbe before Rosh Hashana.

Every Chassid wants to come to Rosh Hashanah with a Ma’amar, and now every Chassid can! The Ma’amar Zeh Hayom 5714, beautifully presented in English, in 20 minute segments by Rabbi Yonah Pruss a”h, makes it easy and enjoyable for you to learn this classic Rosh Hashanah Ma’amar in time for Yom Tov. 

Before he could complete this Ma’amar Rabbi Pruss was unfortunately hospitalized and remained there for the duration of Rosh Hashanah. However, this did not deter him from completing the task he set out to do and as soon as he returned home, he delivered the final shiur, leaving us with this priceless treasure. 

May his example inspire us all to learn the Rebbe’s Ma’amarim, in preparation of special occasions and throughout the year, and bring their lessons to life. 

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