Hatzalah Thanks Anash, Shluchim for Successful Campaign

Blowing past its initial fundraising goal and completing its bonus round, Hatzalah of Crown Heights has one thing to say to the community: Thank you!

Blowing past its initial fundraising goal and completing its bonus round, Hatzalah of Crown Heights has one thing to say to the community: Thank you!

The Hatzalathon that has become an annual tradition around Lag Baomer time was, baruch Hashem, once again a resounding success. Of course, it is thanks to the generous support of the community members of Crown Heights, as well as Anash and shluchim and many caring people around the world, who recognize the critical, life-saving work Hatzalah does.

Throughout the year, Hatzalah volunteers are largely shadow figures, lurking in the background as they lead regular lives, and only springing into action when called upon. It is precisely their ubiquitous presence that provides reassurance and confidence to each community member that come what may, someone will be there to help in times of emergency.

The once-a-year Hatzalathon is a rare opportunity to take notice of all that effort and ensure it will always continue. And each year, the coordinators and volunteers of Hatzalah are blown away by just how much Anash, shluchim, and so many others readily and eagerly demonstrate their support. If there was any doubt that their efforts may go unnoticed, the results of the successful Hatzalathon are a testament to how much love and support the community lends to its home grown emergency corps.

So, once again, in fewer words: Hatzalah, thanks you!

If you did not have a chance to participate, it’s not too late! Click here to participate now.

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