Live: ‘Harmonious’ Seder Niggunim in Crown Heights

A Hakhel Seder Niggunim led by R’ Mendel Reizes will take place in Crown Heights and is open to all men and boys who wish to delve into the deep world of Chabad nigunim.

In a heartwarming display of unity and devotion, a group of dedicated bochrim have taken the initiative to arrange a remarkable Seder Niggunim, set to take place on Thursday evening, Lamed Av, the 17th of August, at 7:00 pm.

The event will take place at Lubavitcher Yeshiva, where participants will gather for an evening of melodic celebration, spirituality, and communal bonding.

Under the guidance and leadership of the esteemed Reb Mendel Reizes, an accomplished Chazan and Baal Menagen, this Seder Niggunim promises to be an unforgettable experience. Reb Mendel’s soulful voice and his ability to connect through the power of niggunim, the sacred melodies of Chassidic tradition, will undoubtedly infuse the event with a deep sense of connection.

Adding a delightful layer to the evening’s festivities, the musical talents of Zalmy Schreiber and his band will provide a captivating musical backdrop.

This gathering is open to all men and boys. Whether you’re a seasoned participant in the world of Chassidic melodies or someone seeking to experience the beauty of niggunim for the first time, you are warmly welcome to join this enriching event.

Mark your calendars for this event on Thursday evening, Lamed Av, the 17th of August, at 7:00 pm, at the Lubavitcher Yeshiva. Let the power of niggunim and the warmth of shared spirituality uplift your soul and forge lasting connections with fellow participants. This Seder Niggunim is a unique opportunity to experience the magic of music, unity, and devotion, all in honor of Shnas Hakhel.


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