Harav Pinchas Dovid Horowitz, Bostoner Rebbe of Flatbush, 78

Harav Pinchas Dovid Horowitz, the Bostoner Rebbe of Flatbush, who grew up in Crown Heights, established his court in Flatbush and created a chassidishe outpost in Tannersville, passed away.

By Anash.org reporter

Harav Pinchas Dovid Horowitz, the Bostoner Rebbe of Flatbush, who grew up in Crown Heights, established his court in Flatbush and created a chassidishe outpost in Tannersville, passed away.

He was 78 years old.

Born to Harav Moshe Horowitz, the young Pinchas Dovid was raised in Crown Heights, which at the time was home to a number of Chassidic courts. He was named after his grandfather, a scion of Nikolsberg who founded Boston Chassidus in 1915.

He later recounted his memories of his time growing up near the headquarters of Chabad Lubavitch and the Rebbe’s home.

“My father, the Bostoner Rebbe [Reb Mosheztz”l, purchased a building on President Street to establish a yeshiva, and was waiting for zoning. Shortly thereafter, a neighboring house was bought for the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

“When some Lubavitcher chassidim heard of my father’s plans to establish his yeshiva there, they approached my father and suggested that the yeshiva be relocated. They argued that the noise of the bochurim’s learning would disturb the Rebbe, who got little rest.

“Shortly thereafter, a messenger from the Lubavitcher Rebbe arrived at our home. He said that the Rebbe had gotten wind of the chassidim’s request, and that under no circumstances should I listen to them. In fact, said the chossid, the Rebbe said that ‘the sound of Torah study is very pleasant to my ears.’

‘Indeed, the yeshiva was established, and a unique relationship ensued between us. I distinctly remember the Lubavitcher Rebbetzin telling my mother that she davens with the kedusha of the Bostoner shul, since she would daven with our minyan from her porch, as my father led the tefila,” he told Rabbi Shimon Kramer, shliach to Merrick, New York.

Another anecdote was related by Reb Yosef Menachem Vainshtok: “During the year 5718 (1958), I would stay for many Shabbosos at the home of the Bostoner Rebbe, who lived directly across the street from the Rebbe.

“One Shabbos after midnight, the [senior] Bostoner Rebbe called me over to a corner of the house and said to me, ‘The Lubavitcher chassidim think that their Rebbe sleeps on Shabbos. Let me show you what really happens.’

“He then revealed to me that by standing at a certain angle, it was possible to peer into the Rebbe’s dining room, because one of the blinds was slightly damaged.

“The Rebbe was sitting and learning. Every so often we would see the Rebbe get up to get a sefer from the bookcase. We stood there for three hours in silence, watching the Rebbe delve intothe depths of Torah.”

Upon the passing of his father, who later moved to Boro Park, Harav Pinchos Dovid assumed the mantle of Boston Rebbe in Flatbush, alongside his brother who became Bostoner Rebbe of Boro Park. For many years, he led Yeshiva Darchei Noam, educating thousands of bochurim to Torah and yiras Shomayim.

Many years ago, before Tannersville became a destination, the Bostoner Rebbe purchased a home there. Over time, it became a chassidishe outpost in what was heretofore a vacation spot for Jews of German origin. With time, more and more chassidishe yidden began flocking to Tannersville, among them a sizable crowd of Chabad chassidim.

As the Lubavitcher crowd grew, they established a shul of their own, but continued to utilize the Bostoner Rebbe’s mikvah and join minyanim in his shul.

During the summer months, the Botoner Rebbe would take part in farbrengens, Yarchei Kalla gatherings and Siyumei Haramabm held by the Lubavitcher community, and on occasion, he even hosted the farbrengens in his shul, and took part in them.

During those farbrengens, he would recall growing up right next door to the Rebbe, as share messages of Torah and ahavas Yisroel, which he was so well known for.

He is survived by his sons R’ Mordche, R’ Avraham, R’ Levi Yitzchak, R’ Herschel, R’ Yisroel, and R’ Moshe, and a daughter, Mrs. Rivky Shtarkhammer.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes

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  1. The Rebbe is also survived by his Rebbetzin, Rebbetzin Vela Horowitz,
    she should be gezint.

  2. A beautiful article!A true Gadol! Very much a part of our lives the past 40 and a half years. Longer for my husband. At every major event in ours and our children’s lives and our grandchildren’s lives. He will be sorely missed. BH his rebitzen is still alive and we hope to call her and visit as often as we can. She’s a very smart woman who listens and cares and has good advice. When you list who the Rebbe was advised but, you mistakenly left her out. Please rectify

  3. A beautiful article!A true Gadol! Very much a part of our lives the past 40 and a half years. Longer for my husband. At every major event in ours and our children’s lives and our grandchildren’s lives. He will be sorely missed. BH his rebitzen is still alive and we hope to call her and visit as often as we can. She’s a very smart woman who listens and cares and has good advice. When you list who the Rebbe was advised but, you mistakenly left her out. Please rectify

  4. The Rebbe Zt”l was also an einekel of The Lelover and Berdichever Rebbe Zt”l.
    Yehi Zichro Boruch

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