Bochurim Rewarded for Transcribing the Rebbe’s Sichos

Bochurim gathered on Sunday, Gimmel Tammuz for an award ceremony and siyum for the Hanachos program of Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim, with the three top winners receiving a full set of Toras Menachem, over 100 seforim.

Bochurim gathered on Sunday, Gimmel Tammuz for an award ceremony and siyum for the Hanachos program of Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim.

The Hanachos program of Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim, in its third year, was held in15 Mesivtas across America. Over the weeks leading up to Gimmel Tammuz, bochurim watched videos of the Rebbe each week and wrote ‘hanachos‘ on the sichos they watched.

The bochurim who passed all weeks of Hanachos received an automatic prize: the first level receiving $50 in Kehos, and the second level receiving $100 in Kehos.

The three top bochurim with the highest mark were awarded all 100+ seforim of Torah Menachem. The winners for 5781 were: For Shiur Aleph – Mendel Levertov of Chicago Mesivta; for Shiur Beis – Yitzchok Brown of Coral Springs Mesivta; for Shiur Gimmel Shalom Carrol of Ohr Tmimim.

Hanachos is sponsored in part by Rabbi Moishe Meir and Penina Lipsyzc and family – Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Support Hanachos, and all of Vaad Hatmimim’s programs at


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