Hallandale Anash Celebrate Milestone on Rebbe Rashab’s Birthday

Join Live at 8:30 PM: A farbrengen will celebrate a siyum on the Rebbe Rashab’s Sefer HaMaamorim 5680, studied each morning at Chabad of South Broward. The live-streamed farbrengen will be led by Rabbi Eli Tauger.

A farbrengen at Chabad of South Broward will celebrate a siyum on the Rebbe Rashab’s Sefer HaMaamorim 5680, studied each morning by a group of local Lubavitchers.

The farbrengen will be held tuesday night, Chof Cheshvan Farbrengen, at 8:30pm, at Chabad of South Broward, with Rabbi Eli Tauger, translator of the Rambam in English, and translator of dozens of books on Chassidus.

In Hallandale, many Yungeleit are well into their 11th year of studying daily a Shiur in the Rebbe Rashab’s Chassidus, and today they completed Sefer HaMaamorim 5680, פר״ת. 

This was the sixth Sefer completed by the Yungeleit in Hallandale of the Rebbe Rashab’s Seforim. Starting tomorrow, the Shiur will continue with Sefer HaMaamorim 5643, תרמ״ג.  

The Shiur takes place every morning Monday through Friday at 7:45 am. The shiur is given by Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus and Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Spalter occasionally fills in. The Shiur is both in person and on zoom. 

“I started the Shiur a short while after my brother Rabbi Yisroel (Sroli) z”l passed away. My brother was my mentor, and besides his broad knowledge in the Rebbe’s Sichos and Maamorim, he had a special affinity to the Rebbe Rashab’s Chassidus”, said Rabbi Tennenhaus, Head Shliach of Chabad of South Broward.  

Yungeleit who participate in the Shiur, all acknowledge that since starting this Shiur, their understanding of the Rebbe’s Maamorim has been greatly enhanced. 

Clich here to join the siyum farbregen via Zoom.


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