Haditch Prepares for Downsized Crowd

The management of Kiryat Rabbeinu Hagadol in Haditch are putting the final preparations in place to greet the crowds who will be coming to daven at the Alter Rebbe’s Ohel on his yahrzeit.

By Anash.org reporter

The management of Kiryat Rabbeinu Hagadol in Haditch are putting the final preparations in place to greet the crowds who will be coming to daven at the Alter Rebbe’s Ohel on his yahrzeit.

In previous years, thousands of visitors from Eretz Yisroel and around the world made the trip to Ukraine for the yahrzeit. This year, however, with lockdowns and travel restrictions, a much smaller crowd is expected.

Shliach to Haditch Rabbi Shneur Zalman Deitch called on visitors to keep all health regulations, thereby ensuring that a kiddush Hashem, and preventing the opposite.

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