Hadar Hatorah Hosts Special Shadchan Event

Hadar Hatorah hosted its first-ever Shadchan event this week, with six shadchanim meeting with 25 bochurim. “The shadchanim spent time listening to us carefully, I feel very encouraged,” one bochur said.

Hadar Hatorah hosted its first-ever Shadchan Event in the spirit of Hakhel. It took place in three phases. On Yud Kislev, a lecture on Shidduchim 101 was given by Rabbi Akiva Perl. Two days later, professional portraits were taken, and then, on Yud Daled Kislev (the Rebbe’s and the Rebbetzin’s anniversary), six shadchanim met with 25 bochurim.

The bochurim spent time speaking to each shadchan and providing their profiles. One bochur mentioned, “This event felt very comfortable and positive, the shadchanim were accommodating and spent time listening to us carefully. I feel encouraged in my search for a shidduch.”

“Thanks to Mrs. S Yarmush, Mrs. Rochel Bryski, Mrs. Raizy Edelman, Mrs. Chaya Cohen, Mrs. Leah Meyers and Rabbi Akiva Perl, the event was a great success,” organizers said. “With the Rebbe’s brachos Hadar Hatorah is looking forward IY’H to many weddings very soon!”

For more information about Hadar Hatorah, please go to www.hadarhatorah.org or call 718-735-0250.

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