Grateful Mother Pens Thanks to Shomrim

“As a parent, I cannot express enough how grateful I am for your exceptional service. The way you handled our situation not only helps individuals but also sends a strong message that the Crown Heights community’s well-being is of the utmost importance.”

Dear Shomrim,

I am writing this letter with immense gratitude and relief to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your outstanding efforts in recovering my son’s stolen bicycle. The swift and diligent action taken by you not only brought back the bike but also restored a sense of security and faith in our community.

When my son’s bicycle was stolen, it caused significant distress for our family. The bike held sentimental value to him, and it was his primary mode of transportation to school and other activities. We reported the incident to other organizations uncertain if there was any chance of getting it back. However, your perseverance surprised us with a positive outcome.

Your professionalism and expertise were evident throughout. The empathy and understanding shown to us during our interaction with your people were truly commendable. We were reassured that every possible effort was being made to recover the stolen bicycle.

It is through the hard work and determination of your team that the bicycle was found and returned to my son. As a parent, I cannot express enough how grateful we are for your exceptional service. The way you handle such situation not only helps individuals but also sends a strong message that the Crown Heights community’s well-being and safety is of the utmost importance to you as members of our community.

Please extend our sincere thanks to all the people involved in this, including those behind the scenes who may not receive the public recognition they deserve. Your dedication to serving and protecting the community has not gone unnoticed and is deeply appreciated.

Once again, thank you for diligently recovering my son’s bicycle and for your unwavering commitment to safeguarding our community Your efforts have made a significant impact on our lives, and we will always remember the kindness and support we received from you.

With the sincerest gratitude,

Racheli .S.


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  1. Thank you for sharing. I’m so glad your son got his bike back. And I’m so glad we got to be reminded about people going out of their way volunteering with know how and perseverance to help with these practical acts of goodness and kindness that help bring Moshiach.

    1. Punishing a bicycle theif is not goodness nor kindness. The Rebbe never endorsed such cruel treatment, no matter what the sin. Today there’s therapists who treat such conditions and it is they who are bringing Moshiach closer.

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