Grassroots Campaign Has Tens of Men Pledging to Don Tefillin Daily

Photo: Yoav Lemmer

After a shliach and entrepreneur collaborated to give 30 pairs of free tefillin in the merit of Eretz Yisroel, the overwhelming response led them to remove the limit and open the campaign to all.

On Tuesday afternoon, Dans Deals posted the following on their website:

In 1967, preceding the Six Day War, the Rebbe introduced the campaign to don tefillin with all Jews. There are some beautiful videos made about this campaign and the war on here and here:

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We saw a shliach posted offering a pair to someone who commits to putting on every day and I knew I wanted to the same.

I reached out to a friend Rabbi Yochanon Klein who is a sofer and run the incredible Healing Hearts organization in South Flordia.

He offered 30 pairs he has in stock and ready to ship right now at his cost.

Dan and I immediately agreed to sponsor all of them to the first 30 Jews that commit to putting them on daily.

Our hearts go out to the victims and their families. May the merit of tefilin protect the Jewish people, may G-d avenge their blood, and may Israel quickly rescue the hostages and destroy Hamas.

If you’d like to donate to this campaign you can do so here and in the comment box write Tefillin. 100% of everything donated will go directly to shipping out pairs of tefillin.

Shortly after he posted the above article, he published the update below:

I am blown away at the incredible response of people committing to put on Tefillin every day and many others asking to sponsor a pair.

We have BH passed the 30 pairs and already have over 60 commitments to put on daily!

If you’d like to donate to this campaign, you can do so via this link and in the comment box write Tefillin. 100% of everything donated will go directly to shipping out pairs of tefillin.

We are already working on sourcing more tefillin. If you’d like to sponsor a pair they are $400 at cost from the sofer.

To sign up fill out this form via Rabbi Super, and once completed, the tefillin will be shipped directly to you for free, of course. This is intended for someone who does not have tefillin and would not be getting a pair otherwise. 

There will G-d willing be no limit to the amount of people that can commit for a new pair of tefillin.

 If anyone is able to help with the verification of requests, they can reach out [email protected].

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