Grand Welcome for the 30th Shluchim to Washington

Upon their arrival at the Washington Airport, Rabbi Moshe and Devorah Wolff, along with their two children, were greeted by a contingent of local shluchim, who had come to welcome them as the 30th shluchim to the State of Washington.

By reporter

Upon their arrival at the Washington Airport, Rabbi Moshe and Devorah Wolff, along with their two children, were greeted by a contingent of local shluchim, who had come to welcome them as the 30th shluchim to the State of Washington.

The Wolffs will be establishing the Chabad center of South West King County, the county that houses Seattle and its suburbs. The new Chabad House will be serving the growing communities of Burien, SeaTac, Normandy Park, Des Moines and Federal Way area.

The Chabad House, like the ones preceding it, is being established under the umbrella of Chabad Lubavitch of the Pacific North West. Founded by Rabbi Sholom Ber and Mrs. Chanie Levitin in 1973, Chabad of the Pacific North West covers British Colombia, Alberta, Alaska, Montana, Oregon, Wyoming and Washington, with nearly 200 shluchim. In the decades since the Rebbe appointed Rabbi and Mrs. Levitin as Head Shluchim, the area which was once a desert of Yiddishkeit, was completely transformed with shluchim, Chabad Houses, and mosdos chinuch.

Greeting them at the airport were a number of young shluchim who had moved to Washington in recent years to serve in communities and college campuses.

“It was our honor and privilege to welcome the Wolff family,” one of the shluchim told “It was especially exciting as they are the 30th couple to join our family of shluchim here in Washington State.”

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