Mesivta of Postville, Iowa concluded the cycle of Rambam with a Siyum Harabam and inspiring talks encouraging the continuation of learning from strength to strength.
The mesivta of Postville, Iowa celebrated the conclusion of the learning cycle of Rambam with a grand siyum. The siyum was MC’ed by hatomim hashliach Zalman Rusnov, who directed the event.
Honored with reading out the last words of Rambam and ending the cycle of the past year of learning three daily perakim was shliach Chaim Chanowitz. This was followed by maggid shiur Rabbi Leibel Ceitlin who was called up to begin the new cycle.
Addressing the crowd at the siyum, was Rabbi Mendy Karp, who spoke about the importance of learning Rambam every day, and how much the Rebbe stressed that everyone should learn Rambam.
The siyum concluded with a beautiful video of the Rebbe on the topic, and with a firm resolve by all those in attendance to reaffirm their conviction to learn the daily Rambam for the coming year.
Photos by Schneur Man
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