Grand Opening of SafeTech in Crown Heights

After years of successful activities in our Crown Heights community, Safe Tech is opening a new permanent office that will serve as a neighborhood center and hub for safe technology and related matters.

After years of successful activities in our Crown Heights community, Safe Tech is opening a new permanent office that will serve as a neighborhood center and hub for safe technology and related matters.

Grand Opening will take place on Sunday, 4 Iyar, 12 – 6 pm. The regular service fee of $20 will be waived at the Grand Opening.

The renovated office is located at 399 Kingston Avenue, at the back of the legendary Flash store.

The new office will have an expanded schedule:
Sunday, Wednesday – 2-6 PM.
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday – 4-8 PM.

Drop-off Service including all hours when Flash is open. Leave your phone and contact information and our technician will call you to have your filter installed.

SafeTech also offers an education center for safe technology use, school and group services, and a full line of kosher phones.

For more information and to discuss opportunities to become a paid technician, please email: [email protected]

In keeping in line with the Rabbonim's policies for websites, we do not allow comments. However, our Rabbonim have approved of including input on articles of substance (Torah, history, memories etc.)

We appreciate your feedback. If you have any additional information to contribute to this article, it will be added below.

    1. Maxsip Kosher devices have a Kosher OS – more efficient, cost effective and don’t require a filter

  1. Our office is working with TAG, just under a different name.
    We will also offer kosher smartphones and tablets from Maxsip Kosher Tech.

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