Grand Lag B’omer Parade Held at Baltimore’s 770

The Jewish community of Baltimore gathered on Lag B’omer for a lively parade and rally, featuring a marching band, floats, clowns, pesukim and more.

By reporter
Photos: Yossi Sasonkin, Mendel Meretzky

The Jewish community of Baltimore gathered on Lag B’omer for a lively parade and rally, held in front of Yeshivas Lubavitch of Baltimore’s 770 campus.

The gathering featured the 12 pesukim, a sicha of the Rebbe from 5727 a year of hakhel, cheder marching band, floats from mesivta and zal of Baltimore, followed by a fantastic BMX bike show.

Rabbi Elchonon Chaikin the Director of Development at Cheder Chabad of Baltimore MC’d the event. Yeshiva students brought lots of chayus with their singing and dancing clowns.

Schools in attendance included Cheder Chabad of Baltimore boys and girls, Gan Preschool of Columbia, Darchei Noam of Baltimore, Mesivta of Baltimore, and Zal of Baltimore.

The event was arranged by the bochurim of Yeshivas Lubavitch of Baltimore. Coordinators were Ber Baron, and Dovi Rodal, floats by Meir Grossbaum, Mendel Markel, Eli Rabin, Yehuda Zaltzman, Mendel Zaltzman, and Mendel Korik. Special thank you to Sholom Ber Gurary for all his help.

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