Governor Orders Schools in COVID Hotspots Closed

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered all NYC schools in areas experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases to close starting Tuesday. He also warned religious institutions may also be shut if guidelines are not adhered to.

By reporter

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered all NYC schools in areas experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases to close starting Tuesday. He also issued a warning that religious institutions will also be shut if guidelines adhered to.

Schools in the nine New York City ZIP codes with a coronavirus positivity rate over 3-percent in the past seven days period will all return to virtual learning instead.

While Mayor Bill DeBlasio threatened to shut all businesses in targeted areas, Cuomo said restaurants, bars and other nonessential businesses in the impacted zip codes can stay open for now, though the state will take over enforcement of social distancing restrictions in those areas.

The school closure applies to nine zip codes in Brooklyn and Queens – 11219, 11223, 11230, 11204, 11210, 11229, 11415, 11367, 11691 – but the borders may be expanded or contracted in these areas based on actual areas of infection.

Other zip codes which experienced high volumes of new COVID cases were placed under close scrutiny, and will be closely watched over the coming days. Among them is the 11213 zip code which covers most of the Crown Heights neighborhood.


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