Girls Celebrate at Grand Chidon Finale

Photos: David Katash/

Girls from around the world celebrated at the Chidon Grand Finale, with an exciting game show and award ceremony, and a rousing concert by Benny Friedman and Eli Marcus.

Girls from around the world celebrated at the Chidon Grand Finale, with an exciting game show and award ceremony, and a rousing concert by Benny Friedman and Eli Marcus.

The grand finale was the culmination of many months of the children learning in their free time, studying a dedicated curriculum that focuses on the facts, information and reasons behind all 613 Mitzvahs. 

More than 300 participating schools in 40 countries and numerous cities around the globe sent representatives to showcase the in-depth Torah learning and knowledge the students have acquired. 

The event was broadcast live on Sunday, and tens of thousands from around the globe tuned in to watch the exciting finale.

Some of the biggest stars in Jewish music today joined the performance to make it one of the premier events on the community’s calendar. Benny Friedman and Eli Marcus were be accompanied by show host Choni Melecki and his band, to entertain the 250,000+ on-line viewers.

During the live broadcast, teams of finalists competed in teams to showcase their knowledge.

The finale concluded with the announcement of the winners of the highly sought-after Chidon Trophies from among the contestants from across the globe.

The winners are:

Bronze 4 Bnos Menachem Crown Heights Gittel Sternberg
Bronze 5 Cheder Lubavitch Chicago Girls Chava Gitel Brody
Bronze 6 Bais Rivkah Crown Heights Chaya Rechel Greenfeld
Bronze 7 Bais Chaya Mushka LA Leah Gottlieb
Bronze 8 Cheder Chabad Baltimore Girls Chaya Mushka Labkowski
Bronze KHK Cheder Chabad Baltimore Girls Chaya Mushka Labkowski

Silver 4 Bais Rivkah Crown Heights Chaya M Pape
Silver 5 MyShliach Esther Raskin
Silver 6 Bnos Menachem Crown Heights Dassi Marosov
Silver 7 Bnos Menachem Crown Heights Chaya Mushka Mishulovin
Silver 8 Bais Rivkah Crown Heights Batsheva Gansburg
Silver KHK Bais Rivkah Crown Heights Batsheva Gansburg

Gold 4 Bais Chaya Mushka Toronto Devorah Leah Wechter
Gold 4 Bais Chaya Mushka Toronto Chanale Mann
Gold 5 Beis Rivkah Montreal Mussia Rader
Gold 6 Cheder Chabad Florida Pessi Matusof
Gold 7 Beis Rivkah Montreal Rivka Silberstein
Gold 8 MyShliach Feigi Leichter
Gold 8 MyShliach Menucha Sternberg
Gold KHK MyShliach Menucha Sternberg

Chidon / Siyum Hamitzvos is a project of Tzivos Hashem and Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch. The Chidon is dedicated by Mr. George Rohr in loving memory of Mrs. Sara (Charlotte) Rohr.


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