Gemarah Baal Peh Program in YSP Was a Major Success

In the past, many believed that memorizing a Blatt Gemara was only for the geniuses. However, this summer at YSP, the GBP program shattered that misconception for the talmidim.

This summer at YSP – Morristown, the “GBP” – Gemara Baal Peh program was a major success, with counselors and maggidei shiurim inspiring campers to achieve their goals in memorizing Gemara and boosting their knowledge and confidence.

In the past, many believed that memorizing a Blatt Gemara was only for the geniuses. However, this summer at YSP, the GBP program shattered that misconception for the talmidim. With the guidance of counselors and maggidei shiurim, they were encouraged to reach their full potential in memorizing Gemara and discover the incredible abilities they possess.

As the summer came to an end and the boys prepared to leave for yeshiva, the closing GBP Farher became a highlight of the program. Throughout the entire summer, the talmidim dedicated their free time to memorizing the Gemara they learned in class. Each week, they studied the allocated portion ba’al peh and were tested by their maggidei shiurim.

To further motivate the boys, material rewards were given as they progressed in their Gemara learning. After the first week, sets of Shanyiim Mikra were distributed as a small gift to congratulate the talmidim for their commitment. Following the second and third week, an ice cream party was organized, complete with hot chocolate cake, a variety of ice cream flavors, and unlimited toppings.

After the fourth and fifth week, a cozy kumzitz and bonfire were hosted at Rabbi Goldberg’s house. The boys gathered under the stars, farbengining late into the night, enjoying fresh fruit and s’mores.

The grand prize for memorizing all seven weeks’ worth of learning was a special set of Shas for each Talmid to continue their learning journey with.

The learning culminated by a Grand Farher for all participating talmidim, attended by Rabbi Moshe Herson – Head Shliach to the State of NJ, Rabbi Mendy Herson, Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski, Rabbi Mendel Goldberg – camp director, learning director Mendel Goldman and Itche Chein and maggidiei shiurim.

These programs are just a glimpse of the many extracurricular activities taking place at YSP this summer. Each day is filled with special events, such as trips, in-house entertainment, internationally acclaimed speakers, and Mivtza events.

“We strive to provide something unique and special every day to help our boys prepare for yeshiva,” the staff said.


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