Gallery: Lemaan Yilmedu Learning Center Dedication

Photos: Sholem Srugo

Gallery 2: On Isru Chag Shavuos, members of the extended Wilhelm family, talmidim of the Machon, and friends gathered for the kevias mezuza and a chanukas ha’bayis for the new center, dedicated in memory of its founder Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm.

Photos: Sholem Srugo

The revolution in learning at Machon Lemaan Yilmedu is continuing to the next phase with the dedication of a new beis medrash in the heart of Crown Heights. It is dedicated l’ilui nishmas the founder of the Machon, Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm a’h, who passed away five months ago.

On Isru Chag Shavuos, members of the extended Wilhelm family, talmidim of the Machon, and friends gathered for the kevias mezuza and a chanukas ha’bayis for the new center, located on Empire Blvd. This is where all the shiurim of the Machon will take place: Semicha Isur v’Heter, Hilchos Shabbos, Siddur Chuppa v’Kiddushin, Hilchos Mikvaos, Shechita, etc.

The event began with the Dvar Malchus, a video of the Rebbe speaking of the importance of everyone receiving semicha l’rabbanus, a sicha which brought about a major change in limud halacha.

Rabbi Wilhelm’s brother and brother-in-law were called upon to affix a mezuza at the entrance.

The Mara d’Asra and member of the Beis Din of Crown Heights, Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun, spoke about the founder of the Machon and connected the learning of halacha to Shavuos, the holiday of Mattan Toraseinu.

Then a video was shown in which Rabbi Wilhelm a’h spoke proudly about Machon Lemaan Yilmedu’s great success. Some of the talmidim from the first cycle were seen talking about the change in their lives thanks to the Machon.

Mrs. Esther Wilhelm unveiled the plaque dedicating “Heichal Z’IV (for Zushe Yeshaya Wilhelm). She spoke briefly about the joy the Machon gave her husband and about his dedication to the study of halacha. She thanked the rabbanim of the vaad ha’haskama for believing in the mosad and being part of it, the director R’ Shraga Crombie for his devotion to the mosad, and her son, R’ Chaim Yisrael, who is continuing what his father started.


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