Gala Banquet Wraps Chof Av in Almaty

A grand banquet and farbrengen, took place Monday evening in Alma Ata’s luxurious Rixos Hotel, concluding the program in honor of the 79th yahrzeit of the Rebbe’s father.

A grand banquet and farbrengen, took place Monday evening in Alma Ata’s luxurious Rixos Hotel, concluding the program in honor of the 79th yahrzeit of Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, father of the Rebbe.

The MC, Rabbi Mendel Chitrik, shliach to Turkey, called upon many distinguished guests to speak, among them: Rabbi Shimon Freundlich, Rabbi Elchonon Cohen, Rabbi Yeshaya Cohen, Rabbi Moshe Orenshtein and others. The generous sponsors, R. Avi Shaulson and R. Shmuel Stern also shared a few words.

Niggunim and music by R’ Yossi Cohen and chazzan Berel Zucker.

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