For the past 10 months, we have all lived with and through Yudi and his family. Every one of their hopes was our hope. Now, when the unthinkable happened, we are his family. We are here to support, and do what we can. That’s what family does.
For the past 10 months, we have all lived with and through Yudi and his family. Every one of their hopes was our hope. Every one of their miracles was our miracle. Every one of their setbacks was our setback. Every one of their prayers was our prayer.
Now, when the unthinkable has happened, we are Yudi and his family. We are here to support, to comfort, to give what we can, and do what we can. That’s what family does.
A one million dollar campaign has been launched to help the Dukes family. Please donate what you can here:
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