Fulfill the Rebbe’s Directive by giving Matanos L’Evyonim Today

When Purim fell out on a Friday, the Rebbe encouraged continuing the Purim celebrations through Sunday, including giving Matanos L’Evyonim. You can fulfill this directive of the Rebbe by donating to Keren Anash which supports tens of Crown Heights families.

In 5741, Purim fell out on Friday, as it falls out this year. Days before Purim, the Rebbe sent a michtov kloli “To the Sons and Daughters of our People Israel, Everywhere.” The Rebbe wrote about the preparations for Purim, the parsha of the week, and the lessons for each person to take.

Towards the end of the letter, the Rebbe addresses the fact that Purim falls out on Friday, and included a fascinating instruction – for every Yid to continue his Purim celebrations through Sunday!

“It would therefore be appropriate, indeed very much so, for Jews everywhere to make this coming Sunday…a particularly joyous one by additional activities that produce joy: Torah study… spreading joy among Jews in the spirit of Ahavas Yisroel, and if suitable or necessary—through Mishloach Monos to friends, and gifts to the poor, and particularly through gatherings to spread Yiddishkeit…” the Rebbe wrote.

You can fulfill this directive of the Rebbe by donating to the Keren Anash fund which supports tens of Crown Heights families who struggle with basic necessities. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, many more families than usual are struggling to pay everyday expenses such as rent, mortgage, and utilities.

Donate today to Keren Anash and help a Crown Heights family.

Click here to donate.

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