From the Shivah House to the Bais Rivkah Graduation

“She said it was hard to leave the shiva house, but the girls graduating are also her children.” A heartrending letter by Mrs. Sara Piekarski-Hurwitz, sister-in-law of Mrs. Shevy Piekarski, who tragically passed away last week.

A heartrending letter sent by Mrs. Sara Piekarski-Hurwitz, sister-in-law of Mrs. Shevy Piekarski, who tragically passed away last week, to Bais Rivkah alumni around the world.

Dear Bais Rivkah Alumni,

My name is Sara Piekarski-Hurwitz, and I am writing to you on behalf of my mother, Mrs. Rivka Piekarski with a personal request.

Unfortunately, my oldest brother Chanoch just lost his dear wife, Shevy, and he is left to raise their 7 young children on his own. You may have seen that there is a campaign to raise money for the family. My mother has made a goal of raising $50k through her own team page, and I am sharing the link at the end of this letter.

I want to share a message a friend sent me yesterday. “I came to be menachem ovel, and your mother walked with me to the [Bais Rivkah] graduation. She said it was hard to leave the shiva house, but the girls graduating are also her children. Today my youngest daughter graduated… Baruch Hashem, I was zoche to have [your mother] there for eight of my girls.”

Shevy a”h was an alumna of Bais Rivkah. Her own daughter graduated yesterday, but she was not on the stage. My mother went to the graduation because each of your daughters, along with the thousands of girls who have graduated BRHS in her time as principal, are her children, too. At this painful time, I want her to feel this love reflected back at her.

If you can take the time to make a donation through my mother’s page, I know it would mean the world to her and to our entire family.

Thank you for your support. May we experience only besuros tovos from here on.

With heartfelt prayers for the immediate redemption,

Sara Piekarski – Hurwitz

Please click here to donate now.


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