After many years that the Rebbe had a simple sukkah, bochurim arranged for a new beautiful sukkah to be built for the Rebbe with a bookshelf, running water, and other conveniences. In 5735, bochurim gathered to build the new sukkah. Can you identify any of the faces?
After many years that the Rebbe had a simple sukkah, bochurim arranged for a new beautiful sukkah to be built for the Rebbe with a bookshelf, running water, and other conveniences.
In 5735, bochurim gathered to build the new sukkah.
Can you identify any of the faces?
Thank you to Rabbi Shmuel Zalmanov for supplying the photos
Aharon Margolin (VA) / Yisroel Sosover/ yosel brander/ YY Brod (CA)/ Yosel Kazen A”H
Aharon Chitrik
shmoel brook, shmoel lipsker, menachem gerlitsky, ? brod, ? zaklikovsky
Yosel Schtroks (UK)
Eliezer Keselman