From a Professor of Philosophy to a Yeshiva Student

Episode 3 of Inspired Journeys: Rabbi Dovid Caytak interviews Dr. Michael Hurwitz, who earned a PhD in philosophy and a served as a Professor in Loyola University, before meeting Chabad and eventually going on to learn in Mayanot Yeshiva in Yerushalayim.

Episode 3 of Inspired Journeys: Rabbi Dovid Caytak interviews Dr. Michael Hurwitz, who earned a PhD in philosophy and a served as a Professor in Loyola University, before meeting Chabad and eventually going on to learn in Mayanot Yeshiva in Yerushalayim.

It’s the story of how he became frum, starting with Rabbi Yoel Wolf of Chabad of Rogers Park, Illinois, and continuing through his experience learning Torah in Mayanot Yeshiva. He is the only person to have ever earned his PhD over zoom while in yeshiva!!

Join us as we talk about what motivated Michael to become frum, how finds yeshiva unique and the people involved in his journey.

Listen to Dr. Hurwitz’s inspiring life journey and how he went from being a Phd and a professor in philosophy, to a yeshiva student!


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