Frierdiker Rebbe’s Chanukah Ma’amar Released by Kehos

A Ma’amar Chassidus by the Frierdiker Rebbe, delivered on Shabbos Chanukah 5694 (1933), in Warsaw, Poland, was released by the Kehot Publication Society to be studied on Chanukah.

A Ma’amar Chassidus by the Frierdiker Rebbe, delivered on Shabbos Chanukah 5694 (1933), in Warsaw, Poland, was released by the Kehot Publication Society to be studied on Chanukah.

The maamar, prepared from the original writing of the Frierdiker Rebbe, is part of a new volume of discourses by the Fierdike Rebbe now being prepared for print by Kehot–Sefer HaMaamarim 5694.

The maamar was edited and prepared for print by Rabbi Aaron Raskin, of Maareches Otzar Hachasidim-Lubavitch, and was dedicated by the Gansbourg family in memory of Reb Yaakov Boruch Gansbourg, whose yahrzeit is Teves 19.

The maamar discusses the importance of Ahavas Yisrael and elaborates on the malady of baseless hate (sin’as chinam), its cause and the remedy of how to be rid of it.

Three newly published letters by the Rebbe’s secretary, Rabbi Yechzkel Feigen, printed as an addendum to the maamar, describe the uniqueness of the maamar and the reasons that brought about its delivery.

The maamar is titled: Ner Chanukah Mitzvah Lehanicha.

Kehot has made the maamar available for reading and downloading, at:

The website presents: a visual timeline of Kehot, a weekly Shabbos message from a Kehot book, dedication opportunities for new volumes, and PDF’s of recently published Kuntreisim.

Click here to download the ma’amar.

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