Friends to Dedicate Meir’s Tank in Time for Shloshim

Meir Likhovetski was tragically taken from us at the young age of 19. In time for his Shloshim, Meir’s friends will be dedicating a new Mitzvah tank he traveled on in his memory.

By reporter

Meir Likhovetski a”h was a 19-year old bochur from Toronto, who was spending the year on Shlichus in Ohio.  Tragically, he lost his life in a horrific car accident on Monday evening, 5 Adar II. 

Meir was spending the year on shlichus in Mason, Ohio, helping out the local shliach with CTeen programs. He would travel every day to the Cincinnati Yeshiva to spend time learning Torah.

Meir was a bochur who gave his heart and soul to the Rebbe’s inyanim, from kovetz ha’oros, to learning Likkutei Sichos, to helping create the Igros app, always looking for ways to make it easier and more accessible to learn the Rebbe’s Torah.

In time for his upcoming Shloshim on 4 Nissan, Meir’s friends are dedicating a new Mitzvah tank in his memory. Meir was passionate about the Rebbe’s mivtzoim and has a number of times joined the Bochurim on this Mitzvah Tank.

To take part in this ambitious project please click here.


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