Friends Of Meir Likhovetski Publish Sefer In His Memory

In honor of the 20th birthday of Meir Likhovetski on 27 Iyar, his friends and classmates from Chovevei Torah Zal and Toronto Yeshiva published a Kovetz Ha’aros in his memory.

In honor of the 20th birthday of Meir Likhovetski on 27 Iyar, his friends and classmates from Chovevei Torah Zal and Toronto Yeshiva published a Kovetz Ha’aros in his memory.

The Sefer, titled “Zichron Meir”, details his life, as well as his own ha’aros which he wrote.

Meir was always involved in with the producing of Kovetz Ha’aros, he was constantly encouraging fellow bochurim to write up their own ha’aros, as well as arranging the necessary funds needed to print them.

To honor his upcoming 20th birthday, and in tribute to his memory, friends and classmates deemed it most fitting to compile and publish a Sefer with Ha’oros written in his memory.

לע”נ הת’ מאיר יעקב פייוועל ע”ה בן יבלחט”א ר’ מרדכי
יהי זכרו ברוך.

May his Neshama serve as Meilitz Yosher to us all.

Click here to download the sefer.

This Sefer can also be found on


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