French Youth Celebrate with Farbrengens and Dancing

Shluchim to Aubervilliers, France, held a grand Sukkos celebration attracting dozens of local teens for a Simchas Beis Hashoeva dancing and to perform the Mitzvos of Sukkos.

Shluchim to Aubervilliers, France, held a grand Sukkos celebration attracting dozens of local teens for a Simchas Beis Hashoeva dancing and to perform the Mitzvos of Sukkos.

The program concluded with an uplifting farbrengen led by their shliach and youth director, Rabbi Shmulik Tewel.

The Chabad activities in the region are under the auspices of Kehilat Chnéor, founded by Rabbi Sholom Mendel Kalmanson a”h, and led by shluchim Rabbi Meir Simcha Kalmanson, Rabbi Eliezer Nisilevitch and Rabbi Binyamin Gansburg.

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