France Holds 25th Annual Kinus Hashluchim

Shluchim from across France gathered for the 25th annual Kinus Hashluchim with keynote speeches by the president of the Jewish Council, Mr. Yonathan Arfi, and Brazil shliach, Rabbi Dovid Weitman.

By reporter

Shluchim from across France gathered at Beis Chaya Mushka for the 25th annual Kinus Hashluchim of France.

Guest speaker was Rabbi Dovid Weitman, shliach of the Rebbe in Brazil, who warmed the hearts and encouraged everyone to do more to arrive at the coming of Moshiach quickly.

The keynote speaker was Mr. Yonathan Arfi, president of CRIF – the Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions, who praised the work of Beth Lubavitch in the Paris region, and shluchim Rabbi Chaim Nisenbaum and Rabbi Mendel Azimov.

He then shared his own experience with his own shliach:

“It’s well known that every Jew has his own shliach and mine – Rabbi Ezer Cohen, shliach in Versailles – is amazing. I want to salute his persistence in instilling in me some Torah values, probably not enough for his taste, nor even for mine, but which made it possible to grow the Jew that I have become.”

Photos by Mordehai Lubecki

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